Kamis, 01 Juni 2017



1.    he is as tall as his father
2.      her job is more important
3.      my mother cooks fried rice
4.      She is reading magazine
5.      She has been listening music every night for a long time
6.      Her hair as long as her sister
7.      Aris will have written all these letters before she comes
8.      I don’t know who she is
9.      She is reading my book
10.  I will go to the bookstore next day
11.  My hobby is listening music
12.  Ratna have two sisters
13.  He has a new car
14.  I meet the girl who smiles
15.  I wish you luck
16.  My bag are very expensive
17.  She likes him
18.  Lina has an English book
19.  My mother cooks cake
20.  My father have a new glasses
21.  Some students are studying math
22.  He didn’t know where to go
23.  Watching tv is my hobby
24.  She has a new cat
25.  She should play the piano when she was young
26.  Andi has three brothers
27.  She want go to the mall
28.  My father drives a motorcycle everyday
29.  She is as beautiful as her sister
30.  Rina says that she doesn’t like strawberry
31.  My mother gives me a cake
32.  My father gives me a handphone
33.  I saw miss Ratna at campus yesterday
34.  Candy is very inhealthy for you
35.  I wish come visit your party tomorrow
36.  I think this is what she needs
37.  Yuni has known Thomas for five years
38.  Rina passed the exam
39.  I buy shoes at mall
40.  I writrean article
41.  My mother cooks fried rice in the kitchen
42.  She said that you will get married soon
43.  I have a piano
44.  Andi eating chicken in the kitchen
45.  My father smokes cigarate in the smoking area
46.  Aryo has two bothers
47.  She is reading novel at her room
48.  I saw the moon last night
49.  i hope that he can love me
50.  What she said is true
51.  Her hair is as long as her mom
52.  I would have given him card
53.  He runs kicking the balls
54.  The book wich is written by Mr. Covey is good
55.  When he was walking, he met his friend
56.  The student enjoyed trip to jogja
57.  She is reading what i have written
58.  Leni wanted know her number telephone
59.  Bella watches television everyday
60.  Maria teaches American English
61.  What she paints is so beautiful
62.  The cat was sleppy
63.  Those glasses are his
64.  She is so beautiful
65.  I meet the girl who smiles
66.  Nia watching comedi movie at living room
67.  The chef cuts the chicken’s wing
68.  The customers buy shoes in my store
69.  Kania is painting the rose floers at the paper
70.  Tania says that she doesn’t met rina
71.  I don’t know where to go
72.  Disya is watering the plants at garden
73.  The student are doing the exam
74.  Ratih go to campus by train every evening
75.  I don’t understand what he is talking about
76.  The mother asked her daugther to buy apple
77.  Playing piano is my hobby
78.  I don’t know her name
79.  The bag is very expensive
80.  Farah playing game in the handphone
81.  Chandra wrote an article yesterday
82.  The student are studying math
83.  Agus drinking coffee now
84.  Kania is painting the rose floers at the paper
85.  Rina says that she doesn’t like strawberry
86.  Andi botght a shoes yesterday
87.  My sister is working her homeworks at house
88.  Rana is reading management books in the library
89.  My sister cooks fried rice in the kitchen
90.  Leli answer the question with so good
91.  Karina bought comics in Gramedia this afternoon
92.  Dania is speaking English language very well
93.  My moher gives me a cake
94.  My rabbits can be found in two cages
95.  The customers buy coffe in her coffeshop
96.  Kania is painting the sun at the paper
97.  I have an umbrella
98.  Mrs. Lina buys grapes for my family
99.  What she said is good

100.   Rianti will wear new dress for the party tonight

Selasa, 16 Mei 2017


Singular = merah
Plural = biru

1.      Agung bought meatball 2 days ago
2.      Agus drinking coffee now
3.      Andi eating chicken in the kitchen
4.      Ani has one sister
5.      Anita wearing t-shirt everyday
6.      Arief drive a car slowly
7.      Aryo has two bothers
8.      Bella watches television everyday
9.      Candra washes the window every morning
10.  Chandra wrote an article yesterday
11.  Dania is speaking English language very well
12.  Dedi has three brothers
13.  Della will borrow your pen when exam
14.  Denis and dimas are meeting their client at Restaurant
15.  Disya is watering the plants at garden
16.  Dita buys a new doll
17.  Doctors have been checking him for 3 hours
18.  Doni rides a bicycle every morning to school
19.  Farah and febry are eating a fried rice in the cafeteria
20.  Farah playing game in the handphone
21.  Farhan and novia have a dinner at restaurant
22.  farhan gives her a gift
23.  Farhan listening radio in the car
24.  Febry eats fried noodles every night
25.  Gramedia book store sells many novel
26.  Gunawan is watching Guardians Of Galaxy movies in the bedroom
27.  Handi helps his mother clean the room
28.  He sent me his pictures
29.  He usually playing basket ball at the yard
30.  He wants to drink orange juss
31.  He needs some pens for his students.
32.  he studies English with her children.
33.  I always go to campus with my boy
34.  I bring this bag everyday
35.  I buy shoes at mall
36.  I call my parents when I miss them
37.  I dind’t have some money because my wallet is lost
38.  I have a black glasses
39.  I have a driver but today my driver is sick
40.  I have a piano
41.  I have a pink shoes
42.  I have an umbrella
43.  I like apple
44.  I pick flowers from my garden
45.  I plant many flowers in my garden
46.  I saw Mr. Jhon at campus 10 minutes ago
47.  I saw the moon last night
48.  I want go to the mall
49.  I will invite them to go to my birthday party
50.  I writre an article
51.  I’m reading this articles now
52.  I’m writing an article in coffee shop
53.  It is a luxury car.
54.  John bought a new laptop yesterday
55.  Jovi wash his car at the garage
56.  Kania is painting the rose floers at the paper
57.  Karina bought comics in Gramedia this afternoon
58.  Leli answer the question with so good
59.  Lely eats some fruit yesterday
60.  Maria studied mathematics at he library 1 hours ago
61.  Maria teaches American English
62.  Miftah praying at the mosque every Friday
63.  Mira was hurting math class yesterday
64.  Mrs. Lina buys grapes for my family
65.  Mrs. Tania cancels an English class today
66.  My brother played basketball yesterday
67.  My father drives a motocycle everyday
68.  My father drives an old car
69.  My father gives me a handphone
70.  My father pick up me at campus
71.  My father smokes cigarate in the smoking area
72.  My moher gives me a cake
73.  My mother cooks fried rice in the kitchen
74.  My mother cooks pudding with my sister
75.  My rabbits can be found in two cages
76.  My sister cooks fried rice in the kitchen
77.  My sister cuts the plants in the garden
78.  My sister gets many gift in her birthday party
79.  My sister is working her homeworks at house
80.  My uncle has a car
81.  My wife and I cannot attend the workshop
82.  Nadia will leave Jakarta 3 more days
83.  Nia is listening the music everyday
84.  Nia watching comedi movie at living room
85.  Rana is reading management books in the library
86.  Ratih go to campus by train every evening
87.  Rianti will wear new dress for the party tonight
88.  Rina goes to campus everyday
89.  Sergio take a picture in the museum fatahila
90.  She is reading novel at her room
91.  She saw john at the movie last night
92.  She studies English in the school
93.  Tani comes to my home
94.  Tania is making cakes in the kitchen
95.  The chef cuts the chicken’s wing
96.  The customer buy shoes in my store
97.  The dong barked at the hospital
98.  The student are doing the exam
99.  We are playing guitar

100.                   We love this game.